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Creamy Waves

Anna's Approach

Anna believes that each of us has the inner wisdom to transform. We’re often blocked from seeing our own brilliance. She sees herself as a trail guide on that journey, providing an atmosphere of acceptance that allows people the courage to take the risk needed for inner exploration.  In addition to the skills she bring to each session, she brings a compassionate heart.

About Anna

Anna Smith of Heart Song Healing during a session

Childhood Trauma

Being a large family with parents who were children of the Depression Era brought a lot of emotional strain and chaos for the whole family, leaving plenty of scars. Anna often took refuge in books, music, or nature. However, because good coping skills were not modeled, she too struggled as an adult and did not always choose a healthy path. Going through deeply dark times in her early adulthood, she did the best she could with what resources she had, though it often felt like an uphill battle. She began to search for a solution to her unhappiness and life struggles. 

Coping as an Adult

After marrying and having three children, she tried her best to be happy, believing that through loving and taking care of her family she had everything she wanted in life. However, it still felt like happiness and contentment were very fleeting. Though her children were her biggest joy in life, she ended up getting divorced and experienced one of the most painful periods of her life, sometimes doubting if she would make it. She kept searching for a deeper, more meaningful way to live and began to embrace a spiritual life, but it lacked the depth her being needed. 

Introduction to Core Energetics

It was at that point that she began to work with energy healers, and had felt that she had finally found her true home and family for the first time. A spark insider of her, long hidden, ignited. She studied for many years, while healing the deep wounds from her childhood, understanding her true nature and learning of the gifts she inherently had. Feeling like she was on the right path, she decided to apply her love of nature to a degree in the Environmental Field, working for many years, but still not feeling fulfilled. To understand this feeling of emptiness, she took a deeper dive with her energy healer and discovered that her soul was yearning to bring this work to others. 

Answering the Call

Her teacher said: “It’s time”. She felt like she had been given a directive and was eager, willing, and able to answer the call. Wasting no time, she enrolled that fall in the Institute of Core Energetics, a body-based, self-transformation process. It was one of the best decisions she ever made. She finished her certification, then graduate program, began her own practice, assisted at the Institute, and is presently teaching as an associate on the faculty. 

Present Day

Since that time, she has never doubted that she is on the right path. The work that she does feels so right and natural. It allows her to live out her gifts of love, intuition, connection to spirit, and joy in seeing others do their transformative work. She is finally home within herself and would love to guide you on your path back to who you truly are.

About CE

About Core Energetics

Emerging research in the field of neuro-biology recognizes the value of body-centered modalities such as Core Energetics in alleviating anxiety, depression, personality issues, and sexual dysfunction, to name a few.


Developed by John Pierrakos, MD., Core Energetics combines Body Psychotherapy with spiritual development. Core brings consciousness to how we block our energy through defensive, protective patterns adapted in childhood that keeps our life force in restriction and dis-empowerment. The Core process enables us to question how our interpersonal experience and world view may be a function of these blocked energy patterns. These patterns when left unconscious, leads to a recreation of these protective strategies and relational dynamics leaving us dissatisfied and confused.

Knowing our defenses is the first step.  In Core Energetics we incorporate body techniques that release held feelings and the blocked energy stored in the body and bring a deeper understanding of our true nature; our true selves. We begin to experience our physical being in a new way as we move into embodying a new way of life. This grounds our energy (life-force) that creates the lasting changes within and in the way we are in the world. We move beyond the limiting patterns as we expand more fully into who we are at our deep “Core”. From this place of integrated wholeness, we are much more available to life, to our own inner strength, and creativity, and to relationship to others.

Anna Smith of Heart Song Healing practicing Core Energetics with a man
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